2020학년도 폴보퀴즈 해외연수 프로그램에 관한 안내 입니다.
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폴보퀴즈 해외연수 프로그램
-2020 Institute Paul Bocuse-Woosong Summer Alliance Program-
The next Alliance Summer Programs will take place from May 18th to August 21st 2020 at Institut Paul Bocuse, France.
1.사전교육기간(Pre-training period):미정
2.해외연수기간(overseas training period): 2020.05.18.~2020.08.22
3.선발인원(the number of students selected):2 students
4.지원대상:글로벌조리학과(SICA),글로벌외식창업학과(SIRES),글로벌호텔매니지먼트학과(SIHOM), 외식조리학과(WSCA) 재학생
5.참가비용(cost): 6200 유로
6.지원 내용(contents):2020 spring semester tuition fee, summer semester tuition fee
7.지원 날짜:2020.02.24.까지
8.신청서 제출 마감(the deadline for submitting an application)
9.제출처 W12-501
10..문의 사항:042-630-6864
11.신청 방법:Online Application Students must apply online through the following
link: https://ipb.myapply.online/Inscription.